Wednesday, June 07, 2006
So we have been here in Mahasarakam for almost a week now. Most of the time we have been just exploring the city (eating lots of ice cream:) ) and getting to know some of the students that go to MSU. When school starts on the 15th, we will spend most of our days on campus leading English classes and just hanging out with the students and developing relationships with them. On Monday of this week, we did have the chance to teach an English class at a small village elementary school, which was a really neat experience, and we are going back out to that village today and tommorrow to lead a mini English camp, which I am really excited about doing! I could try and tell you all about what has been going on here, or I could show you pictures, which I think are more clearer, so I think I will do that instead :)
Ajon (means teacher) Peay and her grandson. I met them one night while swimming. She invited us out to eat Vietnamese food with her and her grandson one night. Warning! Just because the chili pepppers are green, does NOT mean that they are not spicy ( cough cough Brandon)
Most of the Isaan people are rice farmers. This is one near the village school that we went to on monday.
Me, Rachael, and Shannon while we were touring MSU
Scott(the missionary), Whit (a student at MSU), and Brandon (one of my temmates) getting a refreashing drink in a bag.
Shannon and I while teaching an English lesson on animals to Thai students in a village outside of Mahasarakam.

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