Sunday, May 07, 2006

I have a lot on my mind right now, so I though that I would write most of it down. If you have an open ear, then I advise you to keep reading if not, this might be boring.
I finish my forth semester of college tomorrow when I turn in my third take home final (finally!...haha). End of the semesters are so strange, I am so ready to stop with the classes, but then I am not, because I enjoy them, and then there is the whole saying good bye to friends and the freedom of living on my own for 4 months. Everything is so hectic at the end, with papers to do and finals to try and pass, sleepless nights and WAY too much caffeine! And then suddenly you stumble into your last final, and there it are done. The thing that you have been waiting for and hanging on to happens, you are done and you have no earthly idea what to do with yourself.
But wait! Oh yeah, there is that whole room full of a semester's accumulation of stuff that you have to some how move from the third floor of your dorm to your car all the while realizing that you will never live in that room again, that year is over and you can not go back. Even more so, it suddenly hits you that you are 19 years old and about to be a junior in college and you wonder what has happened. You are having the time of your life, but it is nothing like you dreamt it would be like as a little girl.
So here I am on the peak of a new time in my life, a new adventure, scared, lost, and confused, but somehow excited about what is going to happen next. Life is weird sometimes.

it just keeps getting weirder. and you will just get weirder....really, sometimes i wonder when i left college and feel like i'm just on a long break. and then i wonder how i got to where i am now and when i will wake up from this dream. sometimes i want to wake up and be in nville and sometimes i am okay with the dream. anyways, all that to say i love ya and am thinking of you. i know a little of what you might be feeling. allow it to be weird. it might also be exciting.
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