Thursday, January 05, 2006
Tommorrow is the big day...the day that I have been anticipating for......well 2 weeks or so. Nevertheless, it is a most exciting day. What could be so exciting you might ask? Well, it is time for my anual hair cut, color, and highlightation (?) :) At least once a year I become bored with my current hair style and color and decide to do some drastic change to it. Last year I cut it really short, I mean REALLY short, spiked it, and dyed it red. That was cool and all, but now it is time for another change. I started the research (this is a SERIOUS procedure here) about a week ago, but I just can't choose which hairstyle I want to go with. So, I thought I would get your feedback. Out of these three styles, which is your fave? Comment and let me know!

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