Thursday, January 26, 2006
I updated, so THERE!!!!! lol :)
Monday, January 09, 2006

Saturday, January 07, 2006
Well, it is done, finished, finissimo (?!)! My hair has been cut, colored, highlighted, sculpted and recreated, and here is the final product! I have to say that I decided to stray away from the medusa or palm tree look (eventhough I think they are freakin' amazing and if I were Katie Couric and had some stylist doing my hair every morning I would make sure that it looked just like one of those, or if I ever took up a career in runway modeling........wait, no, that would never happen, i'm too short). Oh well, I guess I would have to title this my "big girl-half way normal-not too boring haircut. "

Thursday, January 05, 2006
Tommorrow is the big day...the day that I have been anticipating for......well 2 weeks or so. Nevertheless, it is a most exciting day. What could be so exciting you might ask? Well, it is time for my anual hair cut, color, and highlightation (?) :) At least once a year I become bored with my current hair style and color and decide to do some drastic change to it. Last year I cut it really short, I mean REALLY short, spiked it, and dyed it red. That was cool and all, but now it is time for another change. I started the research (this is a SERIOUS procedure here) about a week ago, but I just can't choose which hairstyle I want to go with. So, I thought I would get your feedback. Out of these three styles, which is your fave? Comment and let me know!

Monday, January 02, 2006
so, i was looking through my pictures from spain, organizing them, editing them, basically wasting time becaue i have nothing better to do. and..... well, i decided that i should do this post just to prove eva wrong in the fact that she said that i would never post if i were to create a blog. so eva, this blog is for you. and then i was thinking, what should this post be about? BAM! it hit me! of course! i should spotlight the most unflattering head shots of me and eva. so, i hope you enjoy, or at least get a laugh out of it!

i don't know anything about this one, you gotta ask eva what her problem is know you are scared!
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