Thursday, May 25, 2006
So I was doing some research on Thailand and the Isaan people that I will be working with, since I am leaving Monday (AH!), and this is an excerpt of what I found:
Most meals include sticky rice as the staple, along with vegetables and usually some type of protein. Many green plants are eaten, including many varieties unknown to Westerners. Hot chili peppers are incorporated into many dishes, as well as garlic, coriander, mint, and dill. Fermented fish (often raw) contributes protein but can also be a source of parasites. Other proteins include chicken, beef, pork, fish, frogs, field crabs, insects, iguanas, field rats, and other animals.
I think that this summer will be a good time to try out that whole vegetarian idea :)
Most meals include sticky rice as the staple, along with vegetables and usually some type of protein. Many green plants are eaten, including many varieties unknown to Westerners. Hot chili peppers are incorporated into many dishes, as well as garlic, coriander, mint, and dill. Fermented fish (often raw) contributes protein but can also be a source of parasites. Other proteins include chicken, beef, pork, fish, frogs, field crabs, insects, iguanas, field rats, and other animals.
I think that this summer will be a good time to try out that whole vegetarian idea :)
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Me and my friend Whitney drove down to Brimingham last weekend and went to the Annual Crawfish Festival. Despite my love for the little gross red crustacions, we were really there to listen to some good music and admire the greek god-like Jason Mraz. It was good times full of good music listening, crowd-surfing, getting rained on and hiding under a blanket, and just goofiness. This is the AFTER picture. I would have actual pictures from thenight, but the security said that my oh so awesome D50 was too nice of a camera to let me take into the festival. Oh well!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Today is Mother's Day. This post is dedicated to the best mom that I have ever had :) Mom, thank you for supporting me in everything that I do, for loving me unconditionally, and for teaching me to be an independent and confident young woman. You are the best, here is to you Mom!!!!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep...This is a test it is only a test. If you are out there in Sarah's Blog Checking Land (meaning YOU if you are reading this), would you please leave a comment. Due to recent events, the higher blog powers that be have recquired for an inventory of my reading audience. Thank you, and have a good day.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Last night was my first night sleeping at home for the next 3 weeks before I leave for Thailand (you better keep checking this page because in a short time there are going to be some amazing stories and pics for your enjoyment). I went to a concert with two of my friends last night and it was "okay." I only paid $5 so it was no biggie, and then I finally made my way home around 12:30 and proceeded to read for a while anf finally passed out fromexhaustion an hour or so later. What is the point of this story you might ask? Well, I had a glorious night of restful sleep in my most comfortable bed until lo and behold I am awaken by my dog (who I am convinced is clinically insane) engages in a playful little game of letmescratchandbarkatsarah'sdooratseveninthemorning (for the slower or visually impaired ones that would be let-me-scratch-and-bark-at-sarah's-door-at-seven-in-the-morning). So now it is 8:42 and 33 seconds AM and here I am sucked full of two mugs of coffee watching the Today show and wishing I could just fall back asleep. Did I mention how much I love my dog?!?
Sunday, May 07, 2006
I have a lot on my mind right now, so I though that I would write most of it down. If you have an open ear, then I advise you to keep reading if not, this might be boring.
I finish my forth semester of college tomorrow when I turn in my third take home final (finally!...haha). End of the semesters are so strange, I am so ready to stop with the classes, but then I am not, because I enjoy them, and then there is the whole saying good bye to friends and the freedom of living on my own for 4 months. Everything is so hectic at the end, with papers to do and finals to try and pass, sleepless nights and WAY too much caffeine! And then suddenly you stumble into your last final, and there it are done. The thing that you have been waiting for and hanging on to happens, you are done and you have no earthly idea what to do with yourself.
But wait! Oh yeah, there is that whole room full of a semester's accumulation of stuff that you have to some how move from the third floor of your dorm to your car all the while realizing that you will never live in that room again, that year is over and you can not go back. Even more so, it suddenly hits you that you are 19 years old and about to be a junior in college and you wonder what has happened. You are having the time of your life, but it is nothing like you dreamt it would be like as a little girl.
So here I am on the peak of a new time in my life, a new adventure, scared, lost, and confused, but somehow excited about what is going to happen next. Life is weird sometimes.
I finish my forth semester of college tomorrow when I turn in my third take home final (finally!...haha). End of the semesters are so strange, I am so ready to stop with the classes, but then I am not, because I enjoy them, and then there is the whole saying good bye to friends and the freedom of living on my own for 4 months. Everything is so hectic at the end, with papers to do and finals to try and pass, sleepless nights and WAY too much caffeine! And then suddenly you stumble into your last final, and there it are done. The thing that you have been waiting for and hanging on to happens, you are done and you have no earthly idea what to do with yourself.
But wait! Oh yeah, there is that whole room full of a semester's accumulation of stuff that you have to some how move from the third floor of your dorm to your car all the while realizing that you will never live in that room again, that year is over and you can not go back. Even more so, it suddenly hits you that you are 19 years old and about to be a junior in college and you wonder what has happened. You are having the time of your life, but it is nothing like you dreamt it would be like as a little girl.
So here I am on the peak of a new time in my life, a new adventure, scared, lost, and confused, but somehow excited about what is going to happen next. Life is weird sometimes.
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