Thursday, February 09, 2006

I went to a convo tonight about these people, the invisible children of Uganda. We watched a documentary about 4 California college student guys travelled to Africa in order to document a story. The story that they found was of the invisible children that are currently in hiding from rebel forces that would otherwise abduct them, brainwash them, and wire them to be killing machines. When the guys got bcak to America, they made this documentary that we saw and are travelling around the nation in order to bring awareness about the inhumane and forgotten children of Uganda. Check out the website and find out some more!!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Today was a freakin' BEE-a-U-tiful day! The sun was shining, the breeze was blowing, and yes, I got to wear flip flops!! I don't know what it is about flip flops that make me so happy, but they do. It is not just any jo-shmoe flip flop either that does it for me, but it is only my rainbows. Ah! alas my rainbows! :) How amazing is it that it is the first day of Feb and I get to wear my rainbows (and not freeze to death)! Some people say that our unusually warm weather is a result of global warming. And while that might be true, I do have to admit that I like the warmer weather better!
So, since it was so beautiful outside today, I decided to take a power walk (yes, a POWER walk, like the mall walkers do!) down Belmont Blvd and the Lipscomb area and listen to some David Crowder;s "Illuminate" CD. As I was walking and watching the people that were driving by me, or running laps around me (those crazy marathon trainers) I decided that I would make it my mission to smile at every single one that passed by. Not just any smile though, I am talking a big momma "hey it's sunny outside enjoy the weather, i'm trying to be nice to you" smile. It was interesting how many people that I passed by, or they passed me several times, brightned up and gave me a huge smile back. I mean, doesn't everyone need to smile every once and a while?
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